Book Submission

Advertise your free or discounted Kindle book with, a division of Social Commerce to get it in front of more than 100,000 of active readers through our website and social media. is operated by eBook Owners’ Association, a division of Social Commerce, Inc.. eBook Owners Association was founded in 2011, has more than 100,000 members, subscribers, fans or followers for its various social media and web incarnations and has brought more than 10,000 high quality books to its members.

In addition to bringing high quality selections chosen by our editors, we also consider books submitted by authors, and publishers that meet our requirements.


  • Your eBook must be available on’s Kindle Platform,  Barnes & Noble’ Nook platform, or Smashwords.
  • Your eBook must be Free or value priced (no more than $3.99, higher priority is given to free or $0.99 books, extra surcharge is applied to eBooks priced more than $2.99)
  • Your eBook must be a real book, not a teaser or a few chapters from another book.  The book must have at least 180 pages. (Children’s books must have at least 30 pages)
  • Your eBook must have an average 4 star rating. While we do not have a minimum number of reviews, we prefer books with at least 3 reviews.
  • Your eBook should not have been promoted by us in last 30 days.
  • Your eBook’s content, cover or title should not be hateful, offensive, vulgar or express a strong religious or political opinion. Book cover should not depict nudity. We do not accept Erotica for this website but tasteful erotica will be considered for our website.  Use the form below.

An administrative / marketing fee will be charged which will be based on the cost of the book, genre, and the marketing packages purchased. We currently do not make any profits – all funds received from authors or publishers are used to market the website.  We also donate a percentage of funds received to  charities involved in promoting literacy among poor children. You have to pay this fee in advance otherwise your book won’t be considered. However, if decide to decline your request, your money will be refunded immediately.
We reserve the right to refuse a book for any reason.
We need at least five days to process your request for consideration, and posting it if  your book is selected. You can request an expedited consideration and posting within 72 hours by paying an additional fee.

Interested? Pay Administrative and Marketing Fee and Submit your book by filling the form below. or Contact us at

The fee will be refunded if your book is not selected. To expedite the process, please submit a two sentence introduction to the book using the “Add special instructions to the seller” feature at Paypal’s Checkout page. This two sentence introduction should be distinct from the book description at book’s Amazon or Barnes and Noble page.  Note: You need to select Extra Services if you want to request expedited services, request post on a specific day or Request to be featured on the side bar.

Book's Price
eBook Platform
Book's Title
Book's ASIN, ISBN or URL

Order Special Services here:

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Specific Date Requested

Order Social Media Add-ons here:

Social Media Addon
Book's Title
Book's ASIN, ISBN or URL


  1. I've tried to order but when it goes to Paypal it puts in a huge amount for shipping. Can you please check this. Thanks

    1. Can you put the shipping country as US? use any US zip code, for example, 94101 (San Francisco).

  2. No where to put special instruction to seller...

