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Escape In You
Jet Taylor and Zoe Janes are both broken and they try to ignore their problems by partying. But when they meet each other, it is an instant connection which they have to settle between the fights and their everyday problems.
Kindle Price: $0.00
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Jet Taylor and Zoe Janes are both broken and they try to ignore their problems by partying. But when they meet each other, it is an instant connection which they have to settle between the fights and their everyday problems.
Kindle Price: $0.00
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The Forest of Forever (The Soren Chase Series, Book One)
Something evil is lurking in the forest. Some say it’s the ghost of a preacher who vanished two centuries ago; others claim the woods are the site of sinister experiments by a shadowy organization. Hired to find a missing girl, Soren is determined to learn the truth. But what he discovers is far darker than he imagines—and it may force him to confront his own tragic past.
Kindle Price: $3.99
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Something evil is lurking in the forest. Some say it’s the ghost of a preacher who vanished two centuries ago; others claim the woods are the site of sinister experiments by a shadowy organization. Hired to find a missing girl, Soren is determined to learn the truth. But what he discovers is far darker than he imagines—and it may force him to confront his own tragic past.
Kindle Price: $3.99
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Wild Cards IV: Aces Abroad
What would our world be like if superhuman heroes and villains had been real flesh-and-blood men and women who lived through the 20th century's most turbulent history? In Wild Cards 4: Aces Abroad, a fact-finding mission seeks the truth about how Wild Cards are treated in other nations. From the jungles of Haiti to the Great Wall of China and behind the Iron Curtain, the Wild Cards team investigates the fate of their fellow Aces and Jokers everywhere
What would our world be like if superhuman heroes and villains had been real flesh-and-blood men and women who lived through the 20th century's most turbulent history? In Wild Cards 4: Aces Abroad, a fact-finding mission seeks the truth about how Wild Cards are treated in other nations. From the jungles of Haiti to the Great Wall of China and behind the Iron Curtain, the Wild Cards team investigates the fate of their fellow Aces and Jokers everywhere
Kindle Price: $2.99
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Beautiful Lies
Inspired by the true story of a politician’s wife who lived a double life for decades, Beautiful Lies is set in a time that, fraught with economic uncertainty and tabloid scandal-mongering, uncannily presages our own.
Inspired by the true story of a politician’s wife who lived a double life for decades, Beautiful Lies is set in a time that, fraught with economic uncertainty and tabloid scandal-mongering, uncannily presages our own.
Kindle Price: $1.99
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Victoria is squirreled away in Kensington Palace enduring an oppressive existence under the dictatorial thumb of Sir John. As the self-appointed man of the house he has strategically aligned himself with her mother, the Duchess, in an effort to control the young Princess right into Regency. In doing so, he’s positioning himself to control the future ruler of England when the time comes that Victoria would be eligible to take the throne. Trouble is, there’s a new girl in town. Liza, having recently lost her parents in a tragic accident, is orphaned and in need of a job to pay off her father’s considerable debt. Now downtrodden, she must accept her decent several classes from a girl of privilege and wealth to become the Princess’ lady’s maid. This poses a problem for dear Sir John as this girl of education and standing immediately zeros in on his manipulations and sets out to help Victoria.
Kindle Price: $0.99
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The Beauty of Broken: My Story and Likely Yours Too
Elisa Morgan, former president of MOPS International, shows through her own stories how belonging to God doesn't protect you and your family from brokenness. But God is there to mend the brokenness. She says, "We've bought into the myth of the perfect family." One of my favorite chapters was on "Thankfulness." Thankfulness, she says, flows from stopping to see the obvious good things about us -- and from searching the not so obvious blessings in the making. Even when the family is broken, the home is foreclosed, the job is cut -- there is always something to be thankful for. "Have you thanked God in this yet?"
Elisa Morgan, former president of MOPS International, shows through her own stories how belonging to God doesn't protect you and your family from brokenness. But God is there to mend the brokenness. She says, "We've bought into the myth of the perfect family." One of my favorite chapters was on "Thankfulness." Thankfulness, she says, flows from stopping to see the obvious good things about us -- and from searching the not so obvious blessings in the making. Even when the family is broken, the home is foreclosed, the job is cut -- there is always something to be thankful for. "Have you thanked God in this yet?"
Kindle Price: $2.99
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The Unexpected Death: Hannah Starvling - The Chef Mysteries (Mystery, Murder and Romance Series - Short Story Book 1)
Hanna interviews her suspects and interacts with them in a unique way. She always sizes them up so that you know exactly the precise thoughts' and how Hannah categorizes them in the investigation. She sticks to pure detective work and never jumps to conclusions, but rather discovers everything through systematic detective work, even if her friends could be involved. Kindle Price: $0.00
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Hanna interviews her suspects and interacts with them in a unique way. She always sizes them up so that you know exactly the precise thoughts' and how Hannah categorizes them in the investigation. She sticks to pure detective work and never jumps to conclusions, but rather discovers everything through systematic detective work, even if her friends could be involved. Kindle Price: $0.00
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Artificial Imagination
This week's Featured Kindle Countdown Deal
This captivating, new book mixes technology and art together into a fascinating and philosophical combination. The book follows one high-tech immigrant's journey through United States as he graduates from University of California and ventures from Silicon Valley to Seattle, Nashville and back to California in a quest for his dream job and his search for a place which accepts him, a place he could call home.
Kindle Price: $0.99
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This week's Featured Kindle Countdown Deal
This captivating, new book mixes technology and art together into a fascinating and philosophical combination. The book follows one high-tech immigrant's journey through United States as he graduates from University of California and ventures from Silicon Valley to Seattle, Nashville and back to California in a quest for his dream job and his search for a place which accepts him, a place he could call home.
Kindle Price: $0.99
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