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“My name is Tracy Kelly. I have been a nurse for over 29 years with experience in multiple fields including oncology but most importantly I am a three-time Breast Cancer survivor. My spiritual faith is part of what has allowed me to be a three-time cancer survivor. I feel there are three phases of a journey to becoming a cancer survivor in addition to having a strong spiritual faith. These three phases are planning, implementing and evaluating. I would like to share the process that worked for me with other people that have been diagnosed with cancer.”
Where there is love, there is also hope.
How much can true love forgive?
The marriage of the artist, Anna, and the reserved Oliver is in trouble. For years, their common desire to have children has remained unfulfilled and, on top of that, Oliver’s wealthy family is as convinced as always, that Anna is not the right match for their heir.
The death of her former art teacher and friend, Carol, brings Anna back to the place where she spent her childhood. There she meets her childhood sweetheart, Marc. Marc, with the fiery brown eyes. Marc with a tremendous desire for adventure. Marc, with whom Anna shares a dark secret.
Anna has to face her past. Did she make the right decision at the time? For whom does her heart beat today? And what did her mother conceal from her?
A deeply moving story of trust, betrayal, and forgiveness, of friendship and enmity, of destroyed hopes and new dreams – and the struggle for true love.
A fate “worse than death.” He fought and won one of the most remarkable air battles in history, yet the Air Force grounded him for 18 months, and then medically retired him. He lost his reason for existence – “the love of flying.” Harry continues to spiral into the abyss of defeat and alcohol abuse. As a last ditch effort, his former Air Force colleagues devise a scheme to rehabilitate him. Will it work? Will fate provide a means for him to face his archenemy, Mar, an Iranian TOP GUN fighter pilot, in combat? Will his love for Katie help him? Will he redeem himself?
A story of a young man finding himself in a world that has taken so much from him. Sean Martin is survived by his two younger siblings and a mother who's diagnosed with cancer. Their father passed away in war. He has no future prospects in front of him. Everything goes downhill for him when he realizes he can't pay for his apartment. He decides to hand his siblings over to his aunt so that he can really experience life and what he needs to do for himself and his loved ones. Sean finds himself spending time with those who have to earning money any way possible, involved in things that he never thought he would get involved in. Join Sean on his journey through life.
On a cold January night, Sharon Lemke heads outside to see a lunar eclipse when she notices something odd at the house behind her backyard. Through her neighbor's kitchen window, she sees what appears to be a little girl washing dishes late at night. But the Fleming family doesn't have a child that age, and even if they did, why would she be doing housework at this late hour? It would be easy for Sharon to just let this go, but when eighteen-year-old Niki, a former foster child, comes to live with Sharon, she notices suspicious activity at the Flemings' house as well. When calling social services doesn't result in swift action, the two decide to investigate on their own.
A heartbreaking, emotional and poignant drama about a family in turmoil. Fans of Jodi Picoult, Liane Moriarty and Linda Green – this moving novel is for you.
New Yorker Jasmine Washington had a successful interior design business, a high-powered marriage, and a chance at motherhood—until her perfect husband betrayed her big-time. Now starting from scratch, the Asian and African-American stunner is tackling a lifetime opportunity: co-managing her friend’s new luxury inn about to open in the Garden District. The last thing Jasmine needs is romance. New Orleans’ most eligible bachelor, investment banker Cameron Singleton, begs to differ. Cameron challenges Jasmine’s cautious ways, teases her back into having real fun—and makes one sexy, utterly irresistible Mr. Right Now. But their passionate nights soon result in a surprise bonus . . . Even though Cameron insists on being there for Jasmine, can she really believe his love is the real thing? Can she shake the past and design a completely new life? And is there really only one way to find out?