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When radio journalist Pete Bailey betrays his wife Meg on his fortieth birthday, he has no idea of the terrible consequences that will follow his infidelity. His passionate relationship with Meg is on the rocks and they’re having no luck starting a family. It’s only when he meets TV reporter Ellie Turner on a working weekend away from home that Pete succumbs to her charms in a moment of weakness. His treacherous actions set off a chain of events fueled by jealousy, revenge, violence and hatred. Five people will lose their lives as a result of Pete’s deception and he will be compelled to confront the ugly truth about his wife and his best friend, Jem. He thought that nobody would ever discover what he’d done with Ellie … but he didn’t know who was listening in the room next door.
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Mason Kade is the dream. He is the promise. He’s offering what so many would fantasize about, and it’s not that I don’t want it/him/us. It’s the opposite. There might be ghosts haunting me, but this man who's my soulmate is asking me for forever. How can I say no to someone who already gave me my happily ever after?
Kindle Price: $1.99
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