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DEAL OVER! You can click at the links to see the current prices for the book.
DEAL OVER! You can click at the links to see the current prices for the book.
Are you stuck in the past? Don't know how to heal beyond what happened to you back then? Are you tired of repeating the mistakes of your parents? Author Mary DeMuth helps you understand your past, embrace healing today, and anticipate an irresistible future. Through biblical teaching, real life in-the-trenches examples, and an eye toward spiritual growth, author Mary DeMuth helps you live the uncaged life you've always wanted.
Kindle Price: $0.00
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Mind Over Matter
Protecting her mother's interests pitted no-nonsense Aurora Fields against a very determined David Brady. But there were few David couldn't charm if he set his mind to...and this time it really mattered.
Protecting her mother's interests pitted no-nonsense Aurora Fields against a very determined David Brady. But there were few David couldn't charm if he set his mind to...and this time it really mattered.
Kindle Price: $1.99
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